6 Ways to Reduce Noise in Your Business

As a business owner, I’m always putting on different hats (sometimes literally– this girl loves a cute hat), interacting with a million people, and attempting to stay focused and productive.

It’s pretty clear to see why it’s so easy for entrepreneurs to become scatterbrained and stressed.

But if you learn the right strategies, you can find freedom, fun, and alignment in your business.

That’s what I’m after.

Here are some of my favourite ways to create a culture of intention and ease:

(And yes, even if you’re an army of one, your company has a culture.)

1. Build in rest times

When I have a lot to do, I like to use Pomodoro or Focus timers to tell me when it’s time to work and when it’s time to rest. According to maaaany scientific studies, resting can actually BOOST your productivity.

2. Set expectations for replies

Use an autoresponder to let people know when they can expect answers from you. Your clients will appreciate the clarity!

3. Create planned communication times

Use planned communication to cut down on “got a minute?” meetings and keep your team in the know of when you’ll be available for feedback. Have your team batch feedback, questions, or challenges so you can keep interruptions to a minimum. This will also help your team become more resourceful and proactive. (Shout-out to Chet Holmes’ The Ultimate Sales Machine.)

4. Mute or schedule all notifications

Use the Do Not Disturb function on your phone. Mute your social media, email dings, Slack notifications, Voxer notifications, and everything in between. Set aside special time to check them so you don’t get pulled out of your flow state.

5. Create a focused environment

If you need a quiet environment to focus, try using noise-canceling headphone or background noise. Personally, I like listening to movie soundtracks so I can feel like I’m on an epic journey as I type on my computer.😎

6. Set screen time limits

Don’t get caught in an Instagram hole! Consider setting time limits on apps or using browser extensions to keep you far away from those time-sucking sites when you want to be productive.

How do you stay focused at work?


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