Shelf Help: Our Top 5 Book Recommendations

If you’re anything like me then you probably have what is laughingly referred to as “shelf help”, not “self help”; shelves upon shelves of all of the best business books. I have dozens that I have yet to read, and honestly, probably won’t get around to most of them.

But, what I have found, beneath all of the dust and cobwebs, is that I keep going back to the same ones over and over again. Their pages are dog-eared and wrinkly, there’s a few coffee stains on the pages, and while there are no highlighted bits or notes in the margin (Gasp! I would never), there are certainly well-loved and oft-referenced.

Here are my 5 favourite business books:

“Crucial Accountability: Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations, Broken Commitments, and Bad Behavior”
by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, David Maxfield

Way back in the day when I worked as a personal trainer, this book was given to all team members as the focus of a training book club. We were supposed to read a chapter a week and then discuss it in the weekly staff meeting in order to improve our sales and retention rates. While this project was soon abandoned by management (as they were wont to do), I carried on. One of the best resources I’ve ever seen for setting expectations, navigating tough conversations, and setting boundaries.

“Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days”
by Joey Coleman

If this is not on your bookshelf, real or digital, then by all that is holy go out and get this NOW. Onboarding a new client and giving them the best possible experience is crucial to building your business and creating epic retention. Check this out for amazing ideas, simple strategies, and all the questions you didn’t know you needed answered.

“The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life”
by Todd Herman

A fun & interesting read about using your mindset to unlock unlimited potential. I’ve met Todd numerous times and can appreciate his point of view (and excellent pop culture references) of how we all have multiple strengths and skills within us; it’s how we use them that creates the wins.

“Purple Cow: Transform your Business by Being Remarkable”
by Seth Godin

This is one of the first business books that I ever ‘stole’ from my father as a teenager and it has remained in my possession ever since. Knowing how to stand out to potential clients is a challenge faced by all business owners, and this book is full of useful strategies and tactics to help you become that Purple Cow.

“The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies”
by Chet Holmes

This is a newer addition to my shelf, recommended by Alex Charfen, but I really enjoy the no-bullshit tone and the very specific tactics in this book. This covers productivity and time management to communication to creating effective meetings and processes. Get ready to take a lot of notes!

I have plenty more on my shelf and much more to learn!

What is the book that you read over and over again?

PS – When you’re ready, here are a few ways we can work together:
  1. Take my Business First Aid Kit quiz to see what part of your business could use some love.
  2. Join my #GSD in 30 Days program (next group starts at the end of July 2020) to create space, feel focused, and cross some items off of your pesky to-do list!
  3. Work with me 1-1 by filling out an application

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